shut up and listen! 2008
  Interdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art, November 20th-21st, 2008

Shut up and Listen! 2008
Shut up and Listen! 2008Shut up and Listen! 2008Shut up and Listen! 2008
Shut up and Listen! 2008Shut up and Listen! 2008Shut up and Listen! 2008Shut up and Listen! 2008

small | silent | lowercase

The interdisciplinary festival 'shut up and listen!' enters 2008 its third
season. After 'hoerspiel, radio art and acusmatic music' in 2006, and

'soundscape - field recording - phonography' in 2007, this year's focus is
'small - silent - lowercase'. 'SUAL 08' concentrates on music and sound art projects
that are based on reduced means, and often take place at the threshold of perception.

Once again, our motto is: Let’s shut up and listen!

Ernst Reitermaier and Bernhard Gál
