shut up and listen! 2024

In an era characterized by growing radicalism and major disruptions, in which frictions between individual identity and collective solidarity increasingly divide political and social discourses, multiple paradigmatic transformations unfold before our eyes – ecologically, technologically, ideologically, socially, individually, and even spiritually. The fundamental and pressing question is whether universalism and the principles of the Enlightenment can still provide meaningful answers to the alienating phenomena of the Capitalocene.

The challenges of our time force us to critically examine our own convictions while considering the diversity of all human experiences and cultural insights, including those that lie beyond the scope of Western frames of reference. In the field of conflict between the pursuit of individual interests and the necessity to stand up for the rights of the most marginalized, we urgently need to establish a new sense of belonging to a global community that extends beyond the narrow confines of national or cultural identities.

Art, often perceived as an apolitical and neutral construct that rises above the daily concerns and existential fears of human beings, in reality contains a deeper dimension that rebels against and resists against commercial instrumentalization and the financial valuations that are externally imposed on it. It embodies the rejection of exploitation for monetary gain and rather focuses on the intrinsic nature of creativity, which defies simplistic political or strategic categorization.

In this regard, we perceive art as a force of anarchy and resistance, as it can challenge entrenched structures and the dominant order. This notion opens up a space for radical reflection and significant change, marking turning points where new perspectives and alternative visions emerge.

Thus, by mirroring the structures of power and human individuality, Art becomes a resonating board of the voices of the uncrowned prophets of our time. It reflects the field of tension between the powerful and the powerless, between people and the dominating structures surrounding them. 

Belma Bešlić-Gál, February 2024