Freitag, 28. November 2014, 19.30
Abel Paúl (E/UK)
Wrong Answers to Robert B's Wrong Question I Für Donnerblech I
Wrong Answers to Robert B's Wrong Question
Für Donnerblech
This piece is conceived as an extremely reduced étude on reflections. The metal sheet is treated as a an
empty surface on which different performing gestures and sound materials are imprinted, reflected . The
sheet functions as a screen that responds to both the movement of the gesture and the vibration generated
by different beaters and objects. The sheet itself often becomes the sole object of performance, being
warped and curved in order to explore the identity and the limits of its physical and sounding physiognomy.
Abel Paúl wurde 1984 in Valladolid, Spanien geboren. Er studierte Komposition am Musikkonservatorium in
Amsterdam bei Richard Ayres und Fabio Nieder, in Berlin bei Daniel Ott und Walter Zimmermann. Zusätzlich
besucht er Meisterklassen von Brian Ferneyhough, Ivan Fedele, Huges Dufourt und Salvatore Sciarrino. Paúls
Musik wurde in Festivals wie Gaudeamus Muziekweek (Niederlande), Holland Festival, ISCM World Music
Days (Schweden), Aspekte Salzburg, Nederlandse Muziekdagen), Vitasaari contemporary music festival,
Festival Manca-Nice Krannert Center (USA), Klangspuren Schwaz, Centre Acanthes (Frankreich), Lisbon
international forum for young composers oder Injuve (Spanien) vorgestellt.
[Münchener Biennale,]