Press Materials PRESS CONTACT/PR: Marie-Therese Rudolph m.rudolph (at) PRESSRELEASE sual2014_presseinfo_e.pdf PHOTOS To download high resolution images, just click on the respective thumbnail. Reprint permitted when indicating copyright holder's name.
[Max Neuhaus: "American Can" I Foto: Artist] [Abel Paúl: I Foto: Artist] [Keisuke Yagisawa I Foto: Artist] [Azparren&Blardony: "Tracto" I Foto: Artist]
shut up and listen! 2014 Interdisziplinäres Festival für Musik und Klangkunst
TIME, AND AGAIN [Michaela Schwentner I Foto: Artist] [G. Kubik I © Uni of Dar es Salaam, 2012] [SHUT UP AND LISTEN! AWARD 2014] [Tina Frank I Foto: Wolf-Dieter Grabner] [M. Schwentner: ELEMENTS II (Videostill)] [Martin Brandlmayr I Foto: Luca Raffaello] [Tina Frank: "Habaloop" I Screenshot] [Lukas Ligeti I Foto: Artist] [Lujas Schiske I Foto: Artist] [Boris Hegenbart I Foto: Artist] [Peter Jakober I Foto: Franz Reiterer] [Simon Longo I Foto: Artist] [Duo Soufflé I Foto: Olivier Vivares] [Keisuke Yagisawa: "xtx to" I Foto: Artist]