Festival Programme November 27th-29th, 2014
Thursday, November 27th, 2014
Opening I: Tina Frank: Habaloop – Audiovisual Presentation / Video-Loops
Opening II: Michaela Schwentner: ELEMENTS II - Audiovisual Presentation / Video-Loop
Opening Performance: Max Neuhaus: American Can
Conlon Nancarrow: Studies for Player Piano, #3a + #31 — Sound Projection
Gerhard Kubik: Auditory illusions in African Music - Lecture
Lukas Ligeti: Polymetric Choreographies for Drum Set - Drums solo
Brandlmayr//Hegenbart: Beobachtungen #01 - Drum & Computer-Duo
Friday, November 28th, 2014
SHUT UP AND LISTEN! AWARD 2014 – Award ceremony | Presentation of works
Awardees: Marta Azparren/Sergio Blardony (E), Abel Paúl (E/UK), Keisuke Yagisawa (J)
20.30 Works for solo percussion by Peter Ablinger and James Tenney
Lukas Schiske - Percussion
Peter Jakober: weit beisammen, for flute, clarinet and live electronics
Duo Soufflé (Theresia Schmidinger, clarinet | Doris Nicoletti, flute)
Simon Longo: We are made of water - Audiovisual Performance
Saturday, November 29th, 2014
Listening Room & Brunch: Ryoji Ikeda: matrix [for rooms] - Sound Projection | Electronic Music
Permanent Presentations, November 27th–29th, 2014
Tina Frank: Habaloop – Audiovisual Work / Video-Loops
Michaela Schwentner: ELEMENTS II - Audiovisual Work / Video-Loop