shut up and listen! 2016 |
Aiko Kazuko Kurosaki Born in Tokyo/Japan - studied dance and music in Vienna and Chicago. Scholarships for dance in Vienna, Salzburg and Chicago. Artistic director of the series "Tanzwerkstatt Metropol" 1988/89, Vienna. Member of Cie. Ariadone/ Carlotta Ikeda /Butoh and assistant of Carlotta Ikeda in Vienna (ImPulsTanz), Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Bordeaux a.o. 1991-1999. Solos: < Kokoron> premiere 1993, Festival f. zeitgenössische Kunst - Bolzano (I), Showwindow / display project <No Comment> 2009, LABfactory, Vienna / < BLANK > for "Untergang Art" a coproduction Tanzquartier Vienna and / <Nettó> tanz ist Festival f. zeitgen. Tanz, Dornbirn (A) 2013 a.o. - diverse solo and group projects (Cie.Aiko): Festival Transart Labin (K) / Haapsalu, Laanemetsa (Est) / Imagetanz Wien/ Q202,Wien / Soho in Ottakring / 'tanz ist Festival für zeitgenössischen Tanz in Dornbirn'. Performances, living installations, performative interventions in public space, transdisciplinary projects. Projects focussed on environment and social critical topics: performance / flash mob at the UNO - City Vienna for the memorial day of Hiroshima and Nagasaki against the reopening of the nuclear power plants in Japan after Fukushima, co-initiator and artistic director for One Billion Rising Vienna - to end violence against women and girls in front of the Parliament in Vienna since 2013. Since 2015 head of OBRA - One Billion Rising Austria (non-profit association).