shut up and listen! 2016
Interdisciplinary Festival for Music and Sound Art









Friday, December 9th, 2016, 21.30

SOUND|ARCHITECTURE Adding sound to selected photographies by Daniel Pabst

Students of the ELAK-Course (University of Music, Vienna):
Martina Claussen, Salih Dursun & Frederic Stritter, irradiation, Paule Perrier, and Harald Stojan

Direction: Thomas Grill

Daniel Pabst: SOUND|ARCHITECTURE (Ausschnitt)

[Daniel Pabst: SOUND|ARCHITECTURE (selection)]

Adding sound to selected photographies by Daniel Pabst

Last year the Austrian singer, songwriter and guitarist Daniel Pabst presented his band project Pabst as part of SUAL 2015. This time we’ll focus on his photographic oeuvre (see photo exhibition) which in turn serves as inspirational source and starting point for compositional rapprochements. Students of the University Course for Computer Music and Electronic Media (ELAK) of the Viennese University of Music were invited to create electroacoustic works in response to selected photographies by Pabst. Five works will be premiered at SUAL 2016, the respective photographies being on display as part of the adjacent photo exhibition.

[Bernhard Gál]

Daniel Pabst

see: Daniel Pabst — Photo Exhibition

Martina Claussen: fluid ribbons

Sound sources of the piece: the human voice; various synthesizers, field recordings, and a tam-tam. Maybe due to the interaction of opposing materials a new view towards the sky is made possible.
[Martina Claussen]

Martina Claussen is a mezzo-soprano, vocal artist, composer and composer-performer. The focal point of her work lies in the interaction of her own voice as the main sound source of her electroacoustic compositions and live electronics. Her compositions have been broadcasted by various radio stations in Europe and have been presented internationally at Festivals such as Festival Futura 2015 (Crest, France), the BIMESP XI Bienal Internacional de Música Electroacústica 2016 de Sao Paulo (Brazil) and the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2016. Since 2009, she holds a position of ao. Professor of Voice at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Salih Dursun & Frederic Stritter: Displacement, in egregious patterns

My deepest respect for those who realize their own patterns and try to merge into them, in order to transform. Subjectivity engages change. [Salih Dursun]

Salih Dursun: Student of the University Course for Computer Music and Electronic Media (ELAK) of the Viennese University of Music.

Frederic Stritter: Student of the University Course for Computer Music and Electronic Media (ELAK) of the Viennese University of Music.

Irradiation: I see you see me see you…

(guitar: Martin Gasser)

Two sides (L/R), reflecting each other, sharing some common space (MI), which again causes reflections in the two sides. There is uncertainty about the location, about the source. We self reflect, we reflect each other, we experience ourselves in others. [Irradiation]

Irradiation is an electronic music artist, DJ and club host as well as the co-initiator and manager of the viennese label TEMP~, founded in 2003. With it, she has published several EP’s and an album. Irradiation’s artistic output is best described as a permanent exploration of the space between repetitive and abstract, electronic music. Her latest releases constitute a cartography of links between electronic music and quantum theory which join the loose ends between electronic dance music and acousmatic improvisation.

Paule Perrier: Trails

How can life emerge from this architectural landscape? Searching for life´s trails. [Paule Perrier]

Paule Perrier is a French sound artist currently living in Vienna. After studying Art History at the Sorbonne in Paris she joined the University of Music and performative arts in the ELAK department. She works in the area of experimental music as a composer and performer. Her compositional output ranges from acousmatic composition, live electronic performance, to vocal and visual works.

Harald Stojan: tc-_fer/ref_-ct

Harald Stojan (*1993) is a Vienna based sound artist and performer, also making music under the synonym h_ri. Working in the broad field of sound arts effecting electroacoustic composition, sound installations and works for film and theatre as well as improvised vocal/electronic performance. Completed studies of audio engineering with a focus on psychoacoustics, and currently studying at ELAK Vienna focusing on voice and programming.

Thomas Grill (direction)

Thomas Grill works as a technologist and researcher of sound and its perception. As a composer and performer, he focuses on concept-driven sound art, electro-instrumental improvisation and compositions for loudspeakers. He is a lecturer at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, and a researcher at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence.