shut up and listen! 2017


Interdisziplinäres Festival für Musik und Klangkunst






Samstag, 9. Dezember 2017, 11.30

Leif Inge

9 Beet Stretch — Klangprojektion | Hörraum

Leif Inge

[Leif Inge]


9 Beet Stretch

9 Beet Stretch is Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th symphony stretched to 24 hours, with no pitch distortions. Executed in various versions with either the Snd or the Common Lisp Music software, both made by Bill Schottstaedt. The source recording, a Naxos recording conducted by Béla Drahos with the Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia and Chorus (Naxos 8.553478), was stretched digitally to a duration of 24 hours with no distortion or pitch shifting. The work is presented as a 24-hour-long sound installation / electro-acoustic concert. The initial realization of 9 Beet Stretch was done in 2002 at NOTAM (Norwegian network for Technology, Acoustics and Music) by Anders Vinjar, Kjetil Matheussen, Leif Inge, and Bjarne Kvinnesland. It was redone at NOTAM in 2004 by Leif Inge and Anders Vinjar, and the concert premiere took place from April 16 to 17, 2004, at Kupfer Ironworks, Madison, Wisconsin, under the production of Jeff Hunt of Table of the Elements. It is available online in a number of audio formats, including a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week web cast.

Im Rahmen von SUAL 2017 wird ein ca. einstündiger Ausschnitt aus dem dritten Satz der Neunten präsentiert.

Leif Inge

Leif Inge is a sound artist based in Norway.