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shut up and listen! 2019


Transdisziplinäres Festival für Musik und Klangkunst







Freitag, 6. Dezember 2019, 20:00

Johannes Bergmark

Sten Hanson's Toothpick, live version | I Have Been In You, You Have Been In Me — Performance


[Johannes Bergmark | Foto: Julia Bauer]

[Johannes Bergmark | Foto: J. Bauer]


Sten Hanson's Toothpick, live version | I Have Been In You, You Have Been In Me — Performance

Sten Hanson's Toothpick, live version

An homage to the text-sound art pioneer Sten Hanson, with recordings of his legendary toothpick and some live toothpicking.

I Have Been In You, You Have Been In Me

A “Fantastic Voyage” into the sonic inner landscape of my stomach with a microphone specially designed to be swallowed.

Johannes Bergmark

Johannes Bergmark makes, among many other things, surrealist musical object theatre with an evolutionary meta-instrument or amplified stage called the Platform. With his main activity as an improvising musician, experimental musical instruments-, sound sculptures/-installations/-environments maker, writer and electroacoustic- and text-sound-composer, he has developed over butoh, sound poetry, jester theatre and performance art into a kind of audiovisual object theatre performed as a concert but with a setting as a surrealist puppet play of toys, tools, kitchen utensils, materials, weird and kitsch decorative things and junk found on streets and flea markets. The objects bring their history and connotations as well as their often microscopic sound potentials on the little stage, made from a cupboard door with a hidden contact microphone under the floor (usually amplified without any electronic treatments), suspended over the table with a clamp like a springboard into a poor man's utopia where the junk will dance its own dance. JB has been an increasingly touring free lance musician since he graduated as a piano builder in 1996. He also lectures, makes pedagogical projects and workshops, usually focusing on untraditional acoustics, using also traditional crafts and basic sound technology, hoping to unfold a world where knowledge, skill, inspiration and surprise can meet and develop together and to inspire people to create their own poor man's utopias out of available resources. In his attitude a surrealist as well as a skeptic, rather than an artist. He resides in Stockholm, where he is active in the association for radical and experimental art, Fylkingen (chairman twice), at the Electronic Music Studio, in the Swedish skeptics' association Vetenskap och Folkbildning and The Surrealist Group in Stockholm.


Johannes Bergmark's festival participation has been supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.