

shut up and listen! 2024

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2024 @ echoraum, 21:20

Pina: Tapestry of a life

Tapestry of a life

„Tapestry of a life“ is a collection of songs, some of them released and some unreleased. Some of them have seen the stage many times, others have remained auditive foundlings or simply have never been performed before. In all of this, they reflect key moments I encountered along my path and and have left a memorable mark of some sort. They describe the things I stumbled upon, those ones that made me feel happy, angry, sad or simply just frightened, just as they do with all of us. It is interesting to see how the years have somewhat changed my perspective to some of these things. It nearly seems that I have been given another chance to look at them, just through a wider, sharper and maybe even a more tolerant or perhaps forgiving lens.“



Pina Kollars: guitar, piano, vocals
Andrew Hogg: percussion/drums, guitar, vocals
Maddy Hogg: piano, vocals
Johannes Garrelts: bass

[Pina Kollar; Foto: Artist]

Pina Kollars

Pina Kollars is an Austrian-born composer, instrumentalist and singer who first came to the attention of Peter Gabriel’s RealWorld Records in 2001 via her work with the Afro Celt Sound System. Her albums Quick Look and Guess you got it were met with critical acclaim throughout the industry with Billboard magazine describing her work as “musical magic”. Pina’s songs have always been based on genuine life experiences with topics as diverse as birth, loss and love all featuring throughout her music. Her more recent work includes projects such as Pina & 10stone20, which saw her delve into a harder sonic sphere than her previous work, and composition of soundtracks for the critically acclaimed short film Mermaids.
