Nina Jukić

Nina Jukić

shut up and listen! 2024

Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2024 @ SP•CE, 16:00-22:00

Jukić | Maraš | Raditschnig | Sistermanns: ALL-IN [ALL]
Klangprojektionen | Mehrkanal-Hörraum

16:00 – 22:00 Hörraum | 18:00 Artist Talk mit den beteiligten Musikschaffenden

Inkludierte Werke:

Nina Jukić: Nocturnes – Acht Klavierimprovisationen (2023)
Nina Jukić: Oxytocin / Sleep When the Baby Sleeps (2024)
Svetlana Maraš: L’ampleur du souffle (2020)
Werner Raditschnig: „… et in terra pax“ (2024, Auswahl)
Johannes S. Sistermanns: un ent los (2023, Auswahl)

Nina Jukić: Nocturnes (2023, eight piano improvisations, 24:12)

I have decided that my motto for 2024 will be: „I don’t have time to make art, and that’s why I am making it.“ Each night before going to sleep, for eight nights leading up to Christmas Eve, I just sat at the piano in low light, took a deep breath, pressed the record button on my phone and started playing. Whatever. No plans. Until I started feeling the flow flowing and for as long as it felt right. The recordings are as raw as they can be, not edited at all. The piano is quiet because I played it at low volume not to wake up the kids, so you can hear the keys themselves, the dishwasher in the background, and the deep breathing of my husband who had fallen asleep on the couch half an hour ago like exhausted dads tend to do. I let the music come to me and leave again just like purposefully building sandcastles on a beach close to the water. These eight nocturnes were a sonic exercise in imperfection, impermanence and letting go, yet being fully in the moment. That’s why the non-musical noises in the room were as important to me as the piano notes I was playing.

Nina Jukić: Oxytocin / Sleep When the Baby Sleeps (2024, fixed media, stereo, 03:13)

Oxytocin, informally referred to as the “love hormone”, is released into the bloodstream in response to sexual activity and during labour. It stimulates uterine contractions to speed up the process of childbirth. It also plays a role in emotional connections between people, maternal bonding and milk production. This miniature features a sound recording of my 3- week-old son breastfeeding. It reflects the mushy, sleepy, exhausted-yet-in-love state of mind (and body) of a freshly postpartum mother, who sometimes, puzzlingly, still chooses making art over taking a nap.

[Nina Jukić; Foto: Artist]

Nina Jukić

Nina Jukic (1985, Zagreb, Croatia) is a versatile musician, composer, sound artist, singer and music educator, currently studying electroacoustic and experimental music at ELAK, mdw (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna). She is also pursuing a teaching certification in Deep Listening by the Center for Deep Listening at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. In her music and sound art she explores sound textures and meditative states, often using field recordings and the voice as sound material. She experiments by juxtaposing composition and free improvisation, prerecorded material and live performance, natural and artificial sounds. She is interested in creating surprising new sonic worlds that feel intimate, yet universal. In November 2023, she was awarded the phonoECHOES Prize for Sound Art, Improvisation and Experimental Electronic Music by the Austrian Composers Association for her fixed media piece “Everything I Learned About the Stars”. Her works got featured at festivals such as Ars Electronica in Linz (AT) and PAYSAGES | COMPOSES in Grenoble (FR). Nina has also been a part of the Viennese pop music scene with her duo Don’t Go. In her childhood and youth, she was formally trained in classical piano and music theory, and went on to study at the University of Zagreb, where she earned her two master’s degrees – in musicology (Music Academy, 2010), as well as in art history and English (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2012). She lives in Vienna with her husband, 4-year-old daughter and infant son.
